Run the Risk by Lori Foster

Run the Risk by Lori Foster

Author:Lori Foster [Foster, Lori]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Romance, Fiction, Fiction / Romance, Contemporary
ISBN: 9781459241190
Google: vMoT8cjHO6MC
Amazon: 0373776950
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2012-09-25T08:00:00+00:00


AFTER ENDING THE CALL, Morton placed the phone on his desk and turned to pace the small confines of his office space. Even at this ungodly hour, the club remained in full swing, both the first and second floor crowded with men anxious to spend their money.

He expected his guest to show up any minute now. New ventures would have been cemented. More money made. More power acquired.

He did not need this new problem. And that’s what it was: a grade A, supernova problem. “Motherfucker.” Snatching the phone back up, he hurled it into a wall, narrowly missing one of his bodyguards.

The outburst did little to vent his rage but caused quite a reaction as others jumped, yelped and flinched. He paid no attention to them. They were disposable grunts, there to serve him, to protect him.

The idiots had failed.

But they weren’t the only ones.

Rowdy Yates was alive and in police custody. That meant the cop had failed him, too.

Glancing around at the bodyguards who, through orders, had a certain look—a look that mirrored his own—Morton knew what he had to do now. It was inconvenient but not as much so as prison. He’d handle this as he handled everything else.

He would destroy the problem, bury it and move on.

* * *

LOGAN STARTED everyone walking again while saying, “Pepper. Where are you?”

She ignored the question to say, “I’m really burning up the phone lines tonight, right?” She laughed, but he heard the strain and what sounded like fear. “I’m going to keep this really short and sweet, so pay attention. I’m going to the club.”

“No, don’t do that.”

“Too late. If you want Andrews, get your behind over here and you can catch him in the act. Rowdy can tell you how to get in. But no fanfare, Logan. Do not send in your police buddies, or you could get me killed.”

His heart lodged in his throat. While he walked fast toward the lot where he’d parked, he infused as much calm into his tone as he could drum up. “Listen to me, honey. Your brother—”

“If they hear you coming, I’m screwed. So seriously, Logan. If you don’t want me dead—”

“You know I don’t, damn it!” He swallowed the ferocity and tried for another dose of calm reason. “I want to protect you, I want—”

“Great,” she said, cutting him off. “So don’t screw this up.”

And she disconnected the call.

His discipline shattered, Logan broke into a jog. “She’s going to the club.”

Both Rowdy and Reese kept pace alongside him as they maneuvered through the sally port and out to the lot. Rowdy grabbed his own cell but muttered, “Damn it, she’s not answering.”

“For the love of…” Reese grabbed Logan’s arm, pulling him to a halt. “This is insane. You go in through the park. I’ll circle around from the other side. Whoever finds her first can head her off from doing anything stupid.”

Rowdy started to protest, but Reese said, “Not a word from you! We don’t have time to argue about it.


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